Wildflowers Chords. 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1. 96,498 views, added to favorites 4,173 times.

Wildflowers by tom petty chords. G d a d g d a.
Learn To Play Guitar By Chords / Tabs Using Chord Diagrams, Watch Video Lessons And More.

You be long among the wildflowers you.
Capo 5 Like On The Recording /.

The chords used in this song are bb, f, c, f/a, dmin, and g/b.
You Belong Among The Wildflowers.

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336,487 Views, Added To Favorites 40,605 Times.

Learn to play guitar by chords / tabs using chord diagrams, watch video lessons and more.
G You Bel D Ong Am A Ong The Wild D Flowers.

Wildflowers chords with lyrics by tom petty for guitar and ukulele @ guitaretab.
G You Bel D Ong In A A Boat Out At S D Ea.